ChangeLog for mod_auth_imap: ============================ 1.1 - 3 Feb 3003: ================== * Fixed the code layout, added lots of comments * Moved to a release version numbering * Added a logging feature & .htaccess directive * Changed to first request IMAP CAPABILITY, for compatibility with UW-IMAP server. * Proper processing of OK, NO, and BYE responses to the LOGIN command * Corrected the implementation of LOGOUT to flush server buffers before disconnecting 0.2a - 31 Mar 2002: =================== * Fixed CRLF problems to add compatibility with more IMAP servers * First release version 0.1a - 19 Oct 2001: ==================== * First Attempt - modification of mod_auth_pop Contact: ======== Let me know what you think: Ben Brillat 74 Punch Bowl Trail W. Kingston, RI 02892 USA